
Here at Absolute Remote Dosimetry we take pride in offering a "turn-key" solution to your dosimetry needs.  We utilize your current treatment planning system and R&V system through a completely secure remote connection.  By operating in this way, you don't have to make any changes to your current system.  Our Certified Medical Dosimetrists are willing and able to learn your specific preferences in terms of treatment planning, setting up fields in R&V, documentation, and even billing.  Our goal is to offer complete dosimetry services such that you feel as though you have a full time, on site dosimetrist.convenient








  1. CT Simulation at YOUR CANCER CANCER.
  2. Radiation Oncologist contours Tumor Volume(s).
  3. Absolute Remote Dosimetry (ARD) logs into your system, through secure remote access.
  4. ARD contours all critical structures and achieves the absolute best EBRT plan for your patient.
  5. Radiation Oncologist reviews and approves the plan.
  6. ARD prints all necessary documentation, completes a secondary MU check, and imports the treatment plan into your R&V system.
  7. Upon Medical Physicist approval, the plan is ready for your Therapists to treat.
  8. NEXT CASE...

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